Wondrous World of Greenthumb’s Garden

Green thumb the gardener, his niece Lucy, and their garden-dwelling friends will teach kids that real power and freedom start with the respect for all living things. The Wondrous World of Greenthumbs’s garden is all about caring for the natural world, learning what to do to preserve it and​ ​taking action to make sure it’s all there for others to enjoy, forever and ever…

Jeux de jardinage pour les enfants

Au Jardin Enchanté de Pouce-Vert

Green thumb the gardener, his niece Lucy, and their garden-dwelling friends will teach kids that real power and freedom start with the respect for all living things. The Wondrous World of Greenthumbs’s garden is all about caring for the natural world, learning what to do to preserve it and​ ​taking action to make sure it’s all there for others to enjoy, forever and ever.